Finchloom+ Azure Backup & Recovery Security Service
Tailored, adaptable monthly services with no long term commitment. Finchloom Azure security experts augment your existing IT team to ensure your organizational resilience and industry compliance. Get a Free Consultation
Why Finchloom+ Tailored Services?
- 100% Microsoft focused with expertise in Modern Work, Security, & Azure
- Flexible, scalable resources to optimize your Microsoft 365, Azure, and Security subscriptions
- Access highly specialized technical talent to plan, design, and implement complex Microsoft project
- We help organizations work better with technology while having fun
What is Azure Backup and Recovery Security Service?
Finchloom+ Azure B&R security service is the first disaster recovery plan flexible enough for your business’ changing needs. Developed though our FLIGHT methodology, our Azure backup and recovery solution adapts to meet your IT objectives as well as your budget and resource requirements. Don’t be bullied into “enterprise-level” one-size-fits-all plans. Let our Azure experts help you develop a tailored DR solution consistent with your needs and organizational goals.

Execution through FLIGHT
Generally, backup and recovery (BR) services require multi-year, rigid, expensive contracts. With Finchloom BR through FLIGHT, agreements start at 3 months, and can adapt to your business’ changing needs.
Given your resources and priorities at the time, you decide what aspects Finchloom will take on, and what your business will support internally so timelines and budgetary requirements are met.
Understanding Backup vs Recovery
“Backup” means creating a copy of your production environment (called “the backup”), which includes data, machine states, and workloads running on on-premise machines and Azure Virtual Machine (VM) instances. Usually, backups involve a full backup, followed by incremental backups of parts of your data set that changed since the last full backup.
However, when an outage or other disaster occurs and your primary network becomes unavailable, “Recovery” is the multi-step process of enabling your organization to continue functioning. The first part, called “failover”, replicates your production environment to a secondary site so that you can still perform your critical business tasks. Once your primary location is available again, you then “failback” to your primary production environment.
Clients commonly leverage Finchloom for repeated quarterly and annual testing to ensure that both your backup data sets and your recovery processes are working as expected.

Common Service Areas

Determining the needs and goals of your business. What do we have to plan for to make backup and recovery successful?
Bringing systems online to ensure your data is backed up in a regular cadence, and that data recovery is achievable.
Defining the methodology and necessary steps of recovery so that your recovery process runs in sequence and ensures your data is recovered as expected.
Creating a Disaster Recovery (DR) Runbook to document your DR process, including step-by-step recovery instructions, how and when to communicate with stakeholders, establishing timelines, and more.
Verifying the integrity of both your backups and your recovery process regularly to minimize your organization’s risks in a disaster. In a safe testing environment, we learn what works, what did not work, and what needs to be changed to efficiently recover.
Related Services
Microsoft 356 Backup
Safeguard your Microsoft 365 Data with incremental Backup and quick recovery. Eliminate the impact of ransomware, malicious actors, human error, and other disasters to your Microsoft productivity apps.
Common Project Oriented Services
Initial Azure Migration and Configuration
Setup and testing
Backup Job
Creation, monitoring, reporting, testing
Restore & Recovery – Tailored by Client
Quarterly validation, restore demonstration, failover demonstration, reporting
Retention Management
Policy design and implementation, immutable storage, management & reporting
Cost Management
Current spend, spend monitoring, spend forecast, cost optimization

The Azure backup and recovery service is designed to be collaborative. To reach target costs and achieve strict timelines, clients will often decide on what tasks they want to outsource to Finchloom, and what they want to keep in-house. This collaborative approach creates transparency and enables our clients to get more done with less.
Read our Blog on Zero Trust Security